Installed $13 DIY Radiator Guard

Mileage: 12,803

Maintenance Summary:

    • Installed Radiator Guard

I’ve installed a homemade radiator guard in preparation for an upcoming trip that will likely involve several hundred miles of off-pavement riding.  I didn’t like the commercial offerings — too pricey — and most of the DIY guard designs looked like they’d restrict the air flow too much.

This is what  I came up with.  The guard is made from a $13 stainless steel kitchen cooling rack and a bit of aluminum scrap that I had in the garage.   I’ll eventually paint it black, but I thought you’d be able to see the design better before painting.  The mounting hardware did add a few dollars to the cost of the project, so it’s not really a $13 guard, but it’s close.

I’ve created a separate page with more detail on this guard as well as another design that I decided not to use: DIY $13 Radiator Guard